Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Best Hangover Prevention

Prevent your hangover Before it starts

It's a done deal, you've been planning this night for years(bachelor party)  or minutes (random college binge) and you know the drinking is on it's way.  You pause for a minute to wonder what you're doing, you remember the hangover you got last time and found this page.

You're in Luck - hangover's are a thing of the past if you follow these techniques. 

Water Hangover Prevention Steps1) Proper preparation is key and this starts the morning(day of), you need to start properly hydrating NOW, drink water or Gatorade type drink all day.  You don't have to go crazy just keep the liquids coming.  Don't worry about your breakfast food, by the time you start drinking tonight it will have been digested and gone.

2) Noon(day of) take a long term acid reducer like ranitidine.  This should get you through till you wake up around Noon the next day.

3) Mid Afternoon NAP - that's right your going to be burning through some energy tonight a little nap between 2:30-4:30 will help out.

Best Hangover Prevention Dinner

Prevent a Hangover4) Deep Dish Pizza and Buffalo Wings.  
Dinner is here, guess what this may be the most important thing you can do to prevent your hangover. We need a meal high in carbohydrates and fat.  You see that alcohol eats up your short term fat reserves.  Fatty foods slow the absorption of alcohol and the carbohydrates will provide your stomach with a solid defense. It will also help long term because carbs stay in your body the whole evening. 

Best Food Hangover Prevention5) OK, now your ready to open the hatch. Hey don't be absolute idiot you've come this far.  No amount of preparation with eliminate a 20 shot hangover or 10 keg stands.  Place some limits. Occasionally, drink some water throughout the evening here's some cues as to when to take a sip.

     - Your thirsty(no that doesn't mean you want more beer it means you're body needs water silly)
     - Where'd I put that cocktail?   If you can't remember get a WATER
     - Those friends of yours, you don't know how long they've been gone
     - Dude, your not looking good,  time for some hydration
     - Feeling a little different while walking?

6) If you can when you get home make some dark toast and eat it with a little honey.  A few ibuprofen( No Tylenol) and a FULL glass of water.  Coconut water if you have it.

Follow these steps and you can prevent your hangover

Too late?  Already have a hangover and need some help to get over it. Look Here.

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